Conspiracy Theories

Abstract: When Mathis isn’t busy writing pseudoscience articles, he’s usually hard at work concocting far-fetched conspiracies. Here is a sample of his disturbed thinking:

The Boston Marathon
“The good thing about these recent events is that they are so poorly faked that a lot of people are catching on. If they can keep us talking about three fake people who were fake-killed in Boston or the 27 people who were fake-killed in Sandy Hook, they can keep our eyes off the real tragedies.”

The Alleged Sandy Hook Tragedy
“It is difficult to say what really happened at Sandy Hook, but as with other scripted tragedies, it is becoming easier and easier to say what didn’t happen. The story you are being sold in the mainstream media didn’t happen.”

Why The Trayvon Martin Case Is Not What It Seems
“Even if the initial event happened as we are told (which is doubtful), it looks very much like someone is using the event to create a race war. That someone would be the CIA, working for the elites that control your government. The intelligence agencies are now trying to divert anger and aggression here in the US against the banks, Wall Street, the government, and the other elite policy makers by channeling it into new race wars. If blacks and whites are fighting each other, they forget to fight the elites.”

911 Truth And Obama’s Fake Birth Certificate
“I think pretty much everyone knows that 911 was an inside job. We know that cellphone calls from the planes were faked. We know that video of the planes going into the towers was faked. We know that the 19 hijackers were either made up or were under the protection of the US government. We know that there is no evidence they were on the planes, and that there is much evidence that many of them were not on the planes.”

“The Certificate of Live Birth will turn out to be Obama’s Watergate. Why? Because it is a fake. But it is not just a fake, it is a fake so fake that it will be guaranteed to be found out. Absolutely no one will be fooled. Every last person in the world is figuring out that this is a ham-handed fake (starting with those who know how to use photoshop).”

Proof From NASA That Pi is 4
“NASA is hiding something here. I don’t think Richard Hoagland knows what it is, but he is certainly correct that something is rotten. They can’t admit that π is wrong, because that would make everyone look very stupid. Hoagland may be correct about any number of other things concerning other cover-ups at NASA.”

The Wiki-Mandarins
“Most people don’t seem to know how to find alternative information, so they end up at the big misinformation sites—sites underwritten or owned by big corporations or the government. Many of these sites read as if they have recently been cleaned by the CIA or the FBI or both. In fact, they have. I seriously think that Wikipedia may have been infiltrated by the CIA.”

Censored By Yahoo
“If the Gestapo is trying to silence me, I must be doing something right. A new wave of censorship is just beginning and the major webhosts are of course among the first targets. Given that the USGov wants to quash 911 questions (as the DoD has just admitted), Yahoo and Google and MSN would naturally be the places to start. The only way to avoid the secret police is to have no opinion.”

Physics is Corrupt
“Mainstream physics has predefined anyone who does not immediately accept its pronouncements as a crank and a crackpot. When that method fails, they resort to censorship and outright lies. All ‘science’ now stinks of propaganda.”

Was Physics Taken Over By The Intelligence Communities?
“If the CIA can control the media for decades, it can also control science. So why would the CIA want to control science? I don’t think that is hard to answer. The government doesn’t want private citizens or unsupervised university people discovering anything, because that would be dangerous.”

What Can I Do?
”Avoid CIA mouthpieces like Wikipedia and Google. Don’t even surf there… [Television] programs like CSI and 24 make you mentally ill. These shows could not be more useful to the status quo if they were written by the CIA, and many of them probably are.”

John Lennon Faked His Death
“This paper wouldn’t have been possible if John had stayed well hidden, but as it turns out he still likes to play in public. Being a bit of an actor, and always being confident in his ability to manipulate the public, John decided to just do what he wanted to do, covering it just enough to fool most people. This he has done, but he hasn’t fooled me.”

Note: This paper was last revised on 01/10/2016

412 thoughts on “Conspiracy Theories

  1. Miles Mathis is 100% an agent.
    People like Mathis are created by the CIA to confuse people, and throw them off real investigations.

    I believe it’s called “controlled opposition”.

    • his chemtrail report was the worst thing i ever seen. He may have outed himself with that one. I know school child that can explain geo engineering. He cant even get the ‘geo’ right. plus he’s got a real faggy intro that seems to bait you in before the derailment. Like he says alot. its so bad its almost like he wants to get caught. That it was wriiten in ’15 and he still hasnt changed the ‘bio’ to ‘geo’ i think is suspect. you cant be a top level researcher and make these mistakes. Besides that one though yeah everything is correct. thats why i dont understand how he can be so wrong on such an easy one.

  2. Ha I came across this clown’s blog while researching a Charlie Manson project. He claims you can’t wear street clothes in prison, its all orange jumpsuits (so therefore Manson wasn’t really in prison). Then I watched a doc on Manson and found out that street clothes were simply a privilege he and the other inmates got for good behavior, You have to have a carrot to dangle in front of inmates to get them to behave, even those on death row. That stuff could be easily fact checked.

    • thats not true. inmates cant get anything that isnt in the commissary book. and did you check the validity of whoever made the doc that tried to dismiss it? chances are they made it to tied up some loose ends.
      also mathis’ thesis doesnt rest on mansons clothes. youre trying to discredit his whole report bc one small detail might be incorrect.
      maybe his manson pdf is wrong, but you need to do a better job proving it then ‘nah-uh, that other guy says so’

  3. I don’t agree with everything Mathis says but he is absolutely on the money on many topics, which may be why this self embarrassing, dumbass loser “Joaquin Hermon” has a gay crush on him and is trolling him for being 1000000000 times smarter than his own dumbass.

  4. I caught a minor mistake that Miles made, and when it was pointed out to him, he simply disagreed. But it was definitely a mistake. At the very least, he’s not an honest researcher. The error involved a simple photo analysis, so his ‘expertise’ in that area is non-existent. Bottom line – he’s a fraud.

    However, in response to some comments here:
    – whether there were planes or not on 9/11, it is certain that all the video of planes was faked. Planes, no matter how fast, do not entirely ‘melt’ into steel buildings without anything bending or breaking off as we saw at WTC2. Is Mike Walter’s story believable? He says that at the Pentagon, the wings folded back into the fuselage and that’s how a 150′ wide plane fit through a 16′ hole.

    – it’s very probable that nukes don’t exist. Hiroshima and Nagasaki do not show a damage pattern from a central blast and a building at ground zero is still standing. All the early test footage is clearly fake. No camera shake, laughable mistakes visible when you go frame by frame, puffy clouds undisturbed after being enveloped in the blast wave. Furthermore, the PTB would never allow the existence of such a weapon because it would be a threat to them.

    – The Boston Marathon Bombing was 100% provable fake. Nobody was injured or died. I’ll show the undebunkable proof to anyone who asks. Once you see that that event was staged, it might be easier to see that other (less provable) events like Sandy Hook, Orlando Pulse and many others were indeed staged with fake casualties.

  5. “Mainstream Media” running scared then ? They are the joke, not Mathis ! The lion is stirring in his sleep…….

  6. Miles would love these comments about him as he has an ego that needs feeding and the comments are doing just that whether they are negative or positive. He is a genius beyond the average mortals comprehension.

      • read the one he wrote about agent kaczinski. thats a no brainer anyway bc it was centered around his letters to a mainstream media outlet. Dont think a real genius would use The Times

  7. Why all the angry attacks on miles mathis and his work? I never read his conspiracies articles but I will start pronto he must really be on to something!!!!!!

  8. The no plane theory was concocted by the CIA undercover as a youtube “truther” Trump is a fake president as a bridge to Obama’s third term. Trump and Hillary were paid to fake their candidacies. The election was fake. The news is fake and Trump is fake. You heard it here first so you dont have to read it from MM, if he is even smart enough to figure it out, years from now.

  9. Mathis is right about some events but when he concluded that jfk was a fake assassination and that the video of planes hitting the twin towers are fake, two assertions that thw US ruling capitalist class and their state apparatus, including the CIA, would want you to believe, makes me think he serves state objectives rather than challenges them. He’s a fierce anti-communist,a racist and a jew-hater, a petty- bourgeois reactionary. He’s definitely not a progressive, much less a communist-socialist. He gets the Manson murders, John Lennon right. As for Boston, Sandy Hook and the daily psyos that are spoonfed to us every day…they were fake. You dont need pompous MM to convince you of this.

    Fletcher Prouty has done the best work on JFK. Should put MM to shame. MM does not take into consideration class interests when it comes to JFK.

    It was Bobby Kennedy’s “assassination” that was staged in order to label Palestinians as terrorists. Bobby lived out his life in the same way that Lennon did. Both were key to advancing US ruling class bourgeous interests domestically and internationally

  10. He’s an agent shill controlled op mixes truth with lies red flag knows zero about Ezra Pound he lacks facts and details but is effective in sure because when you mix truth with lies many don’t bother doing further research hence a shill

      • MM is not in any Monterey High school yearbook. There’s a Martha Mathis and another, I think it was Mike Mathtis but no Miles. There’s no record of his science achievements which he writes about in his bio.
        Other interesting facts:
        His website was registered to Mirage Technologies. Mirage Technologies was purchased by TopCon. TopCon is from Japan. Why? MM says he lives in Taos NM.
        MM recently came out and attacked Gnosticmedia for being an operation. His evidence? Holly Seeger used to strip (guest researcher). Gnostic uses graphics that no real truther would use. Essentially his piece is an ad hominem dressed up as some truth.
        I really enjoyed the Manson/Tate essay but MM has all the markings of fakery.

  11. Miles W. Mathis is both stupid and arrogant, in the extreme.

    For one thing, he is extremely ignorant of basic mathematics, yet insists he is some sort of genius.

    Example : Mathis is so innumerate that he does not know the difference between averages and medians. That is not a crime, but then he will argue against a quant expert and insist that the quant expert is wrong, while it is Mathis who is wrong and refuses to see why. The arrogance with which someone who does not know even basic mathematical concepts will assert that a true expert is wrong, is breathtaking in its arrogance and lack of self awareness.

    Secondly, Mathis is a pretty bad artist. He has no talent even in his chosen profession.

    Thirdly, Mathis is a ‘male feminist’. A ‘male feminist’ is usually a creepy predator in disguise, as countless well-known examples have proven over time.

    Miles W. Mathis really has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. None.

    • Oh come on he’s very persistant. How anyone can spend the years he has churning out his ‘scientific’ nonsense is beyong me. Its kind of heroic.

  12. Oh – sorry. I should have known….just another online cabal convinced that the rabbis wouldn’t lie to another ‘Jew’, lol…

  13. Wow. You’ve convinced absolutely no one. You must be a wanna be Freemason how wasn’t smart enough to get a job in intelligence, lol. You are one dumb mother…

  14. Wow, this obsession with Miles is creepy. Stalker creepy. It amazes me how much time and effort you put into attempting to trash the man who you refer to as ‘a woolgatherer’. Why feel so threatened by someone you clearly believe isn’t at all smart, is a crackpot and a fraud? Why would any human being with an ounce of sense feel the need to draw so much attention to a crank? Miles must have something important to say. And once you’ve led the reader to Miles website any intelligent person can see exactly what all the fuss is about, and why you go to so much trouble to suppress his information. I bet Miles is happy with the exposure you kindly give him.

    • “Miles must have something important to say.” If he did, someone other than low-information believers such as yourself would agree with him. We’re happy to send traffic to Miles’s websites. It’s important for intelligent, non-gullible people to learn what pure bullshit artistry looks like.

      • “kk” is only one letter away from the initials “mm”. That’s a red flag. I will be told that M is actually two letters away from K, with L in the middle, but as an expert in typing, I know that it’s just one key away on the keyboard. As always, this is just my opinion, arrived at by private research.

  15. Miles Mathis is not a crackpot although I never bothered to read any of his “science” since already the headings turned me off. But his conspiracy theories of which I may have read between 10 and 30, I dont remember exactly, in my view, contain deliberately added errors which contrast with the rest of the text where it isnt obvious and seems to make more sense. That isnt the sign of a crackpot but of some kind of hidden purpose.
    Precaution or part of a psyop directed against other conspiracy theorists like someone mentioned above.
    Still the number of comments here indicate that many of you are intrigued despite all.

    • If you haven’t read his “science”, how do you know he isn’t a crackpot?
      As far as his conspiracy theories are concerned, you’re giving him too much credit. His errors are real and he’s either oblivious to them or too lazy to correct them. Never attribute to cleverness what can be better explained as stupidity.

  16. So, as you rightly point out, Mathis’ site isn’t even in the top 1,200 conspiracy sites, so why are you devoting an entire blog to him? Why not spend your time debunking the number one, or number ten, or number twenty? Why are you elevating Mathis to this level of importance? What makes his site unique?

    • I guess it’s because many of us have been following his destructive science conspiracy theories for years, where he actually had a niche and threatened to mislead young people interested in learning actual science, and when he moved on to ordinary conspiracy theories, we went along with him. But you’ll notice that the number of posts on this site has gone down in proportion to his greatly reduced spewage about conspiracies in science. He just blends in with the Alex Jones-type noise and their run-of-the-mill crazies now. It was more fun when he was trying to argue such absurdities as a radius is actually a velocity!

  17. Hidy Ho, Hidy Hi, got to stop the JOO WORLD ORDER tonight! That Howard Stern’s, got a rectum burn, from all his verbal diarrhoea! And Donald Jew Trump would surely like to hump and dump to avoid a nasty mess. MM exposed all the secrets among the kosher dick elite, who scream racist joo hater memes!
    He’s hit a nerve with such verve, and caused even smug Seinfeld to squirm! But when Kramer’s Kosher balls even cause Jerry to lose pall, and when Allan Dershowitz sucks even more Gollem pork dicks, this conspiracy is getting might dick thick…….DICK! NIXON on KISSINGer: that goddam faggot Jew wanted to start WWIII on my watch and blame it on Me! Oi Vey, Jews Betray!
    Tricky Dick was either to resign or get the JFK treatment…you DIG?
    Tel Aviv Vision’s closet creep Bill Maher: we only suck the cut ones -and even Osama Been Obama makes the Oscar Meyer weiner CUT! But what about Anthony W? We couldn’t even measure his little pecker with all those Swastikas and Star of Davids.Cos he’s not a real Dick he’s a Khazarian fake JOO.Thus endeth the lesson Children.

  18. I notice that Mathis’ “Annual Physics Conference” has morphed into an “Annual Conference” and will now be about his conspiracy theories. Are we surprised? Also, he warns that his conference is “not for people who want to come sell their own theories” and that he will “toss them out the door” if they try. Is he afraid of something? Because that sounds more like a cult meeting than any intellectual conference I’ve ever heard of.

    • “Cult” is exactly what comes to mind. Thomas P. Burwell, the C- college student who was converted to Mathis’s nonsense after reading one article, went from North Carolina to New Mexico for one of the “conferences”. He does not seem to have had much fun there. The only response he made on his blog afterwards was the following (slightly edited) dispirited entry, which he called his “Two Big Takeaways From New Mexico”.

      “1. The reason why I learned nothing about magnetism in my many years of school, is that magnetism is still quite mysterious and fascinating, and mainstream scientists generally don’t like to admit that they don’t fully understand such a common, everyday thing!…
      2. …Science became the cornerstone of the compulsory school curriculum, and therefore holds its current place in the media as the “economic driver.” However, the attitude that theoretical science is an economic driver is a cover used to justify the need for our current competitive, compulsory schooling system that allows large corporations cherry pick the brightest students for management positions. Experimentation and tinkering are what leads to new inventions and technology, but theoretical science, which is 99% of the science that is taught in schools and universities today, really is only peripheral to the invention of new technology and economic growth.”

      Two big takeaways? Really? An NC to NM round trip is a long way to go for the same drivel Burwell could have stayed at home and read on Mathis’s site. To my knowledge no one else has published any thoughts on any of these conferences. The silence is deafening.
      Notice the last sentence which is a masterpiece of crackpot thinking. Mathis seems to forget that theoretical science produced the basis for the experiments which produced atomic energy. But Mathis never proposes any experiments and consistently avoids situations in which his ideas can be tested. His ideas have produced nothing and by avoiding experimentation he ensures his ideas remain unverified. So, he is describing his own uselessness in the drive to invent new technology.

  19. Wow, going to all this trouble (a whole website) to attempt (very poorly) to discredit and attack a woolgatherer, crank and conspiracy theorist!! All this by Joaquin Hermon who is well known for……um….er……nothing. It’s amusing to say the least, especially as the only thing Hermon has achieved is making more people aware of Miles Mathis and his work.

    • No trouble at all. And I’m not the only one. That’s your first error, “Jon”.

      Mathis is a complete crackpot and crank, so don’t pretend he has’nt been thoroughly discredited. That’s your second error.

      If it is acceptable to you for Mathis to be an spinner of error-ridden tales it should be just as acceptable to you that I point it out. If Mathis wants his articles not to be a source of ridicule he should stop making them such a goldmine. And that’s your third error, “Jon”.

      Those who post here have given other readers a blueprint for deconstructing Mathis’s nonsense, so no more of that tired idea Mathis peddles elsewhere on the net, that we’re making him more popular. Readers are increasingly calling out Mathis’s BS on sites such as blindlight, cluesforum and fakeologist. Your fourth error.

      I don’t use my real name here. Both you and Mathis have made much over my username and that you can’t find anything by searching it. How is that not being idiotic on both your parts? So if you praise crackpot Mathis you can stay anonymous, but criticize him and you must give your name and executive summary? Sounds like you have a double standard there.
      And that’s your fifth error, “Jon”, and you’re as discredited as pi=4.

      • Miles Mathis freely discredits himself. Here’s what he said in his recent essay claiming that Harry Potter was a CIA creation: “[I start writing] when I find a clue so formidable, so
        unanswerable, I know I won’t be wasting my time writing. It is that point when I am so certain I am on the right track, there is no chance I will discover I was wrong.” This, of course, is the conspiracy-believer mindset: Decide you’re right first, then look for any possible “evidence” from any possible source — numerology, photo “analysis,” a Google search that turns up nothing — that confirms your belief. “I then research as I write, looking for what I need to continue. I always find it.” Of course you do, Miles. It’s called confirmation bias, and you’re the poster boy for this very special kind of intellectual flop.

  20. plannumber9 said
    on May 21, 2016 at 5:32 pm said:
    “No one is more ‘gullible’ than those who believe the MSM/’government’ approved spin on any event that is a game changer. They unroll so predictably with the ‘lone nut’ who comes out of nowhere, a lone nut with no power and no real motive; meanwhile those with enormous power and profound motives, pooh pooh any thought they might arrange things to their benefit. Oh no, not them.
    Conspiracy deniers are indeed, in deep denial. But I don’t think this web site counts as such. It is here for a strategic reason, and all us ‘conspiracy believers’ know what those reasons are.
    ‘Conspiracy theorist’ that term thunk up by the CIA to counter any opinions contrary to the Warren Commission’s lone nut theory.
    We know. The ‘government’ and its handlers and its co-conspirators — the MSM — are our enemies. We’ve known for a long time.”
    Please grow up, “plannumber9”.
    Regarding Sandy Hook, crackpot Miles Mathis thinks that if it looks like a lone gunman on a murderous rampage, if it sounds like a lone gunman on a murderous rampage and if the evidence confirms it’s a lone gunman on a murderous rampage, then…
    It must be the US Federal government hiring actors to portray grieving parents, and dressing up children that should be dead to meet the President, and making websites way too early so that Congress can steal everyone’s guns tomorrow.
    If you truly believe Mathis’s nonsense you are being governed, you mind is being molded, your tastes are being formed, your ideas are being suggested, largely by a silly little kook in a shack typing out garbage on an obscure personal website.
    Grow the hell up.

  21. Mathis’s latest blunder is his article claiming the WW2 bombing of Dresden was “fake”.

    Click to access dresden.pdf
    Using Wikipedia again, Mathis claims the 2 photos of an Avro Lancaster bomber dropping bombs is “fake” and tries to use his crackpot “photo analysis” to prove it. He thinks he sees a dark patch which remained unmoving in both photos. It did move, Mathis plainly focused on the wrong patch and fooled himself. What a buffoon.

    He next makes “humor” out of the photos of German civilians found dead in cellars and underground air-raid shelters.
    ‘Interesting that a fire allegedly moved through there, killing everyone and even melting that one lady’s head out of her hat, but none of the fabric was burned or even scorched. Apparently fires in Dresden don’t turn things black, they turn them into flour.
    This is interesting, because I didn’t know that when you are cremated, your skin turns to clay but your hair and clothes don’t burn. Actually, you may wish to study mummification. That is a mummy, not a person that died from fire.”

    _____________Yet the Wikipedia article clearly states:
    German authorities “‘took great pains to count all the dead, identified and unidentified’. This was largely achievable because most of the dead succumbed to suffocation.” So the people died from suffocation and were dessicated in the shelters heated to baking by the firebombing.

    Mathis laid on a howler: “If the US was involved in atrocities like Dresden and Tokyo and Hiroshima and so on, it must be run by a cabal of murderous psychopaths, worse in some ways than Hitler. After all, Hitler refused to firebomb London and never laid a glove on the US mainland.”

    ______________This is another example of Mathis needing to study history before writing about it. Hitler didn’t invade the US, not because he wasn’t evil, but because he couldn’t. He could only overrun countries with relatively weak defenses. And, contrary to what Mathis says, Hitler did firebomb London. When I was last there some of the antique shops sold unexploded German incendiary bombs found in the rubble after the Blitz and thousands are advertised to this day for sale on the internet. Mathis is such a dolt.

  22. I’ve been waiting and waiting…When will we get news of the discovery that Prince was fake? Anyone care to place a wager on when this “paper” will appear? Because I can assure you Prince was at least 47 different people, which is a red flag in itself, since 47 is intelligence’s favorite number. Also, the critical question, Was Prince Jewish? Because on Purple Rain I distinctly heard him sing “I would die for Jew.” Most of all to the point though, how is all of this predicted by charge fields, anti-photons, and stacked spins? Is 1999 even divisible by pi? The list of unresolved questions goes on and on. Mathis believers desperately need to know!!

    • I think you and Steven have spooked Mathis. I remember when he was ridiculed about when he was going to write an article about David Bowie having “faked” his death. I haven’t seen one so far. I have a feeling that he wanted to and, since he reads this blog, felt self-consciously stupid (fancy that) and scrapped it. Just a guess. Now comes Prince. I suppose Mathis will have to scrap that one too!

    • Miles Mathis is a sloppy conspiracy kook whose life experience consists of sitting on his flabby butt in front of a computer 18/7.
      You didn’t say, and you cannot say, that Mathis has presented his “evidence” to anyone in law enforcement.
      You didn’t say, and you cannot say, that Mathis has accomplished anything with his writings.
      The same goes for any others like yourself.
      Why no real world action?
      What is really mean by your post?

      What you really meant by your post, so far as you meant anything at all, is that you don’t really believe Mathis’s absurd theories, and feeling that your support of an internet crackpot is mere nonsense, were not able to think about the matter with any precision.

  23. Sad sack Miles Mathis has recently posted an article: “I Don’t Believe in Elon Musk”

    Click to access musk.pdf

    Mathis imagines that Musk is “fake”. Mathis is also seems jealous of him. No wonder.
    Musk has intelligence, money, meaningful work, respect, and a beautiful wife and five children. He is everything that Mathis is not. Musk is lucid, concise and produces real results. And Mathis can’t stand it. So he creates a make-believe world in which successful persons like Musk are never right, or real, or alive.
    Mathis tries to discredit Musk in four ways:

    (1) He claims Musk is a homosexual.
    “…Musk always looks highly uncomfortable. The girls are often leaning away from him, as there. And look at his hand in his pocket. Discomfort signs all over the place”.
    Strange talk from Mathis, who was a ballet dancer, writes flowery poetry, reads girl magazines, and who is rarely photographed with any women at all. Signs of discomfort?

    (2) He claims Musk’s first wife was “fake” because she didn’t mention their five children or include their photographs in the article she wrote in Marie Claire magazine.
    Duh. Editors of magazines always cut out material. Nobody would ever print an article by a crackpot like Mathis, so what would he know about that?

    (3) He claims Musk’s children don’t exist.
    “I say that because if we do a people search on Elon Musk, we find no evidence of these children in the computers.”
    “We” find no evidence? Really? Well I did. It took me three minutes to find this, and it has a picture of all five children.

    (4) He claims Musk is “fake” because he isn’t listed on Intelius or InstantCheckMate
    “I say that because if we do a people search on Elon Musk, we find no evidence of these children in the computers. In fact, Intelius doesn’t even have an Elon Musk listed in California. Only his father, Errol Musk.”
    The following took me seven minutes to find that Elon Musk is listed on Spokeo and also on:
    So why couldn’t Mathis do this?

    I will leave the last word, which applies directly to Mathis, to Musk himself…
    “Starting with a negative conclusion and backfilling the facts is a classic dickhead move—and a classic human fallacy.” – Elon Musk

    • Excellent run-down. I especially enjoyed #2, as I’ve been a magazine editor for many years. Our industry motto is literally, “Write long — we’ll cut.” And that is exactly what I do for a living. Poor Miles.

    • And he is dead right. Why do you think listing his conclusions without referencing the evidence he offers is going to convince anyone? Look moron..Miles is working for intelligence I would wager…and I would bet large that your some offshoot of the same thing….trying to play the “everybody knows it’s crazy – just take our word for it” game that makes people check out his site. It will upset some people…but most of us academic researchers know how you people operate and the reasons why you think the same old cointelpro BS works….when it doesn’t. Like his CSIS(Canadian branch of the CIA) buddy Makow, he’s controlled opposition for the seasoned researchers. But your role is to stop the novices from even going there. But it’s too late for that.

  24. It is no surprise that Mathis attracts anti-Semites. His few followers are people with dull, uninquisitive minds who never check his facts.

    Of course, I’m not Jewish but Mathis is on record as saying he might be:
    “The only substantive reason I have seen on that site is that some fear I am Jewish, or a protector of the Jews. I have admitted that my great-grandfather on my mother’s side may have been Jewish, …
    His name was Moses Mordecai Williams, and if anyone wants to research him they are welcome to. I ask that they let me know what they find, since I didn’t find anything and would be interested to know more. But even if he was 100% Jewish back to Adam, that makes me at most 1/8 Jewish.”

    Click to access self.pdf

    As usual, Mathis displays his trademark stupidity.
    Notice he does not say to whom his great-grandfather was married. That little fact would change his equation, to be sure.
    And, for someone so interested in other people’s backgrounds,
    (“Looks like DAVID IRVING is JEWISH”
    notice he has no interest in finding out about his own. He wants others to research his own family.
    He himself is too stupid to do such research.


  25. “Mathis is now more restricted and isolated than ever before. And he brought it on himself.”

    OH YAWN!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!! Really, an Amazing Kereskin wannabe who can read minds!? Me thinks the tribe does protest too much! The hook nose spook is spooked and is frothing at the mouth at our poor lad Miles – who is a distinguished intellect unlike this lickspittle and foreskinless verbal wanker! His ad hominem lobs and histrionics only fool lesser lights (and the mind controlled NWO sycophants ) but not Miles! The brilliant essayist is flying directly over the enemy target and he’s feeling the furious firefight of JOOWORLDORDER resentment!
    And Robert Zimmerman told Ed Bradley on 60 Minutes he sold out -so what does this Marx Brother think he meant ?(in Groucho Mark accent: frankly my dear delinquents the smell of those federal reserve rolled papers with the all seeing eye seems mighty intoxicating to this skinflint poor Heeb; Oh Vey or was that the frat boy fibber Bobby Dylan I was alluding to?).
    Yes, Miles stretches and doesn’t always get it right; but he is unflinchingly right in his big picture dot connecting world view analysis….unlike this drooling doofus party pooper JH. Chill Bro!!!!

    • I’m glad you are Mathis’s keeper, agent or supporter. Having kooks raging about Mathis being criticized amounts to an endorsement of everything I’ve said about his pathetic articles.

      Mathis is a failure in everything he has set his hand to, including conspiracy nuttery.
      Crackpot parties are meant to be pooped. Thanks for your assistance.

  26. It just keeps getting worse for Mathis.

    First, started cracking down on authors posting under pseudonyms to give their books glowing reviews. No more five star reviews for Mathis, eh?

    Next, California passed laws against internet impersonation. It became illegal to impersonate an actual person online for purposes of intimidation or misinformation. This forced Mathis and his
    top stooge, who lived in California, to stop their meat puppetry in defense of his absurd science articles.

    Digital Deception and the Law

    Now, fellow conspiracy loon James Tracy has been fired from his post as professor at Florida Atlantic University for writing on his website, and speaking in his classes, the same “no one died at Sandy Hook” nonsense Mathis promotes. That’s probably why Mathis has now inserted the little “my opinion” admission that he has no proof of his loony conspiracies.

    Mathis is now more restricted and isolated than ever before. And he brought it on himself.

    • And here is another article: “Sock puppetry and fake reviews”

      Mathis is well versed in these types of sleazy underhanded tactics, and has been using sock puppets from day one. Here is a quote from the article:

      “I’ll go on to several forums, the well-known forums, and post there under my name and under various other names and various other characters. You build up this whole network of characters who talk about your books and sometimes have conversations with yourself.”

    • Can you offer any proof evidence at all that anybody died at Sandy Hook??cause if you can now would be the time to do that…waxing vitriol isn’t evidence – or even convincing criticism – it’s just throwing stones. Which is a fucking bore..

      • @steve
        Good question – and request for evidence that somebody died at Sandy Hook “shooting”.
        I have used a great lot of time on that case, and I have come to the conclusion that all who takes the time to research Sandy Hook operation 2012, will also come to the same conclusion. Nobody died at Sandy Hook, because there is absolutely no evidence supporting it. But sure as h_ll, there has been used lots of money by the government and the involved criminals to stop people from looking into the case, blocking evidence and so.

        The SHES (Sandy Hook Elementary School) is dead full of signs and evidence “someone” has worked hard to avoid all the shit to be exposed.
        The real criminals are those (still) trying to make it look like a real shooting happened, which did not.
        And the children supposedly died, appeared singing at Superbowl some months later….look up the high-res photos and videos of that, and start understand the real truth. Why is the gov-people and their lawyers working so hard to protect the involved? Even at FOIA-hearings, the lies floats all over…
        Thank you Wolfgang Halbig for all the work you did for the truth, and not forgetting all the other freelance journalists doing the same. You are the real heroes.

  27. Hilarious that you give a shit about his work. He thinks pretty clearly to me. It says “Opinion” on the top of each article…. This is no worse than theorizing who is Fox Mulders real father or is Rey and Ren are actually cousins…. You are the person freaking out and he is just thinking through these events like I think through events. With patience and clear thinking.

    • Hilarious that you think “He thinks pretty clearly…”.
      Remember that you are promoting a completely baseless set of assertions by Mathis.
      You and your phony hero are apparently disinterested in doing anything but complaining about “fake” events. Mathis claims to have proof of fakery yet he pitches his ideas not to news agencies, but only to low-information conspiracy believers.
      Feed That Web Kitty!
      Big red flag.
      He’s a fraud.

      Hilarious anyway that you “give a sh.t” about what is written about Mathis.
      You are the person freaking out and people here are just thinking through Mathis’ absurd claims like any intelligent person would… with patience and clear thinking.
      Intelligent people check his facts.
      When they do, his claims fall apart.

      Mathis sure hopes you don’t check his facts.

      So grow up and stop complaining that people are checking his facts.

    • Mathis has only just recently begun adding the disclaimer that his articles are mere smoke of “opinion” — or more accurately, complete fabrications.

      So kudos to Mathis for finally taking his very first baby step in the right direction.

  28. Miles Pantload Mathis now wants us to believe that the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as all of the nuclear tests before and after, were fake. Well. That’s amusing enough, but Miles couldn’t keep his laughable science ignorance out of his latest conspiracy essay:
    “Distance makes less of a difference with gamma rays than with other particles, since gamma rays are photons. They travel the speed of light, c, which means they would travel the distance to these stupid photographers in about .00001 second. In that time, they would lose no energy, so standing back a few miles doesn’t help. Gamma rays have such a high energy that most goggles wouldn’t help.”
    Distance makes less of a difference because photons move so fast? Oh my sweet Miles, that is adorable! The New Leonardo and alleged 1980 PSAT math whiz is unfamiliar with the inverse-square law, which can be trivially demonstrated with a flashlight.
    Photons lose energy with time? Has any experiment, ever, found this to be true?
    Most goggles wouldn’t help? So in fact goggles do exist that let light through but not gamma rays? How exactly does that work?
    Wow, just wow!

    • They were fake. Totally. Anyone who dares to research that and who isn’t intimidated by low-brow Freemasons will come to that conclusion in minutes. Tell your boss you need a holiday…I could do better cointelpro or hasbara in my fucking sleep

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